Open For Business

We respectfully request that if you are experiencing any COVID -like symptoms that you wear a mask when you attend our practice.

The following services are all contactless for maximum safety:
• All admissions for essential consults & procedures – using our drop off protocol
• Digital Stay Safe Forms – emailed prior to relevant consults & procedure admissions (paper version available if required)
• All food & medications – prepaid via credit card/EFTPOS by phone & brought to the front door (call on arrival).We can accept cash
• If you are high-risk or COVID positive, in quarantine, awaiting COVID test results, have been in recent COVID hotspots,have flu like /respiratory symptoms then you need to advise us prior to your pet’s appointment. We can still see your pet but under a different drop off and consulting protocol
Telemedicine Drop-Off Consults

To continue offering healthcare from your pet’s point of view we now offer:
• Telemedicine Pet Drop Off Consults
• Digital Stay Safe forms emailed to you for digital signing for any of our services
• Digital Forms work through the SIGN NOW app (see download details below)
• Traditional paper forms can still be used by those who do not have access to Internet
• Prepayment service at time of phone ordering for foods , products , prescriptions & via EFTPOS/credit card
• Cashless payments preferred wherever possible for maximum safety
• Carpark payments – for cash or sanitised EFTPOS terminal payments
• Drop Off Points:
- We collect your pet & discharge them to you at the advised drop-off point
- We hand you your pre-paid orders at entry door
Making Your Appointment

When you call we will ask you if you are high risk for COVID-19
- Cold or flu-like symptoms, or coronavirus
- Been in close contact with a COVID-19 patient or are COVID positive
- Recently travelled from high risk areas or are in mandatory isolation
- Awaiting COVID test result
- Have been in recent COVID hotspots
- We can still see your pet if you are high risk or COVID positive but
- please call us first on either Broadview 8266 4666 or Northgate 8369 3111 first
- We will send you the Digital Stay Safe Telemedicine Consult Form for filling in and digital signing.
- This process is quick & simple & takes one to three minute once the app is installed
- For those without a Smart device we have a paper version for you to sign on arrival at the advised drop off point so please let us know if

Arriving at Pet Universe
• Please arrive 10 minutes early.
• Wait in your car & call us on arrival for further instructions.
• Once the vet is ready we will meet you at the advised drop-off point & take your pet
• Please keep your phone on you so the vet can talk to you & go through the physical exam & your Telemedicine Consult Form
During The Consult

• The vet will discuss their findings & recommendations & where possible will send you photos /show you via video (Facetime, WhatsApp Video or similar) any visible signs your pet has
• Where appropriate we will raise an estimate
• We will also send you any Digital Stay Safe forms that you need to fill in e.g. Anaesthetic Consent Form, Credit Application Vetpay Form etc.
• Once again you can sign these remotely on your Smart device in the car
• Alternatively we can bring paper versions of these forms out to the car for signing
After The Consult

• We will dispense any medications , food or products your pet needs
• We will email any information sheets to you (or print out if email isn’t an option for you)
• Take payment over the phone where possible or come to the advised point for payment
• We will come to the advised drop off point with your pet, products & any paper based information /forms where applicable
Admissions for Procedures

• Wait in your car & call us on arrival for further instructions.
• Please keep your phone so the admissions nurse can call you with further instructions
• This process is very quick & simple & signing takes less than a minute
• For those who do not have a Smart device we prefill a paper version for you to sign on arrival at the drop off point
• The admissions nurse will then print off the signed form & meet you at the Drop-Off Point & take your pet
• We will I.D. your pet against a printed copy of the form which will then stay with your pet
Repeat Medications, Food & Product Collections
• Pre-order via phone with prepayment via credit card/EFTPOS wherever possible
• Call on arrival & we will bring your goods to the entry door

• We are allowing a maximum of one person in-clinic to attend
• Please be aware this advice may change as social distancing rules change
All the above information is based on the current information we have regarding how we can operate during these difficult times and are subject to change.
We thank you in advance for your continued support, patience and co-operation as we adapt as a practice to these challenging times.
Stay Safe

Dr Chris Lee, Principal Veterinarian ,DVM IVAS CCRP

Can COVID-19 infect pets?
There have been reports from Hong Kong that a dog owned by a patient with COVID-19 has tested positive to the presence of the virus in its nose and mouth. This is may be a case of human to animal transmission, however the dog’s first blood tests have been negative. At this stage there is no evidence that pet dogs or cats are a source of infection to other animals or humans. We are continuing to monitor this situation and will provide updated information as it becomes available.
Should I avoid contact with pets or other animals if I am sick with COVID-19?
As the outbreak continues, a number of pet owners will be placed in quarantine, either with confirmed COVID-19 infection or due to exposure. We know that your pet is part of your family and you will want them to have the same level of protection and care as any other family member. Current information suggests there is no apparent risk to you or your pet from being in quarantine with you.
However, we do advise all pet owners continue to practice appropriate hand hygiene before and after handling their pet, their food and washing food/water bowls. At no stage should pet owners do anything that may compromise the welfare of their pets. We suggest minimising close contact with your pet during this time, such as hugging, face to face contact or sleeping on your bed.