Our Clinics
At Pet Universe We’ve Got Our Fingers on Your Pulse
Here at Pet Universe, we ensure we have our fingers on both you and your pet’s pulse. In addition, we place heavy focus on pet-friendly measures. Hence, our motto “Healthcare from your pet’s point of view.” We have added some new and improved human-friendly aspects to our service.
At Pet Universe all staff members at our Broadview and Northgate clinics trained to personally greet every pet and their owners by name. After you’ve both been checked in and weighed, you will have a full 20 minutes standard consult with one of our veterinarians (or 30 minutes for new clients). This long appointment gives you ample time to discuss all your pet’s health and behaviour issues and we can answer all your questions on any procedures your pet needs. We know that knowledge is indeed power and that most clients want as many facts as possible to make an informed decision and have peace of mind. Any procedures required are accompanied with an itemised quote.
All new clients receive a Pet Universe Welcome Pack which contains information on our philosophy and services, as well as useful general healthcare information and some complimentary goodies.
If your pet requires day surgery, we will make an admissions appointment so our nurses can explain the anaesthetic consent form and answer any questions that you have. Once your pet’s procedure is finished, we’ll call you to give you an update and book a discharge appointment. At the discharge appointment, we will explain all the laboratory findings and the invoice in detail so you know that the very best has been done for your pet. All the day’s key findings go onto The Pet Report Card so you can refer back to it at any time. All pets go home smelling clean, looking fresh and with ample relief from pain. We’ll help you out to the car with both your pet and any belongings and products. If it’s raining, our courtesy umbrellas will keep you both dry!
As far as keeping on top of any ongoing health requirements, our reminders programme will jog your memory so your pets get all the follow up care they need without you having to check key dates. We can remind you by phone, SMS, snail mail or email.
So, we hope our range of fantastic pet care services has made your heart race and that our people-friendly approach has steadied your nerves and given you peace of mind.
Extending you a heart-felt welcome to Pet Universe.
Dr. Christopher Lee
Principal Veterinarian
*registered clients only