Stress Reduction for Cats when Transporting to the Vets
In line with our Gold Cat Friendly accreditation status please click the following ‘orange’ links which contain expert advice provided by the International Feline Medicine Society on how to reduce your felines stress levels when visiting us:

How to reduce stress when transporting your cat to the vets
Medications for Cats to Reduce Anxiety and Nausea
Some cats may require medications that help decrease anxiety, such as Gabapentin . Gabapentin
is an anxiolytic, analgesic, and anti-epileptic medication that disinhibits aggression. In a capsule the powder is tasteless and can be mixed into the food. Please ask us and we will prescribe and dispense this medication in advance as it has to be given as two doses prior to the veterinary visit for peak effect.
Motion sickness can also induce fear in cats. These cats should have no food or water for 3-6 hours prior to the visit, can be given Gabapentin (as already stated above), and may need anti-nausea medications, such as maropitant. Again this is something we can prescribe in advance.